Thursday, July 31, 2008


Aaaand here it is. Told you so.

Wow. Hollywood prognostication gets easy once you've paid attention for twenty years.


Marty Nozz said...

Of course it absolutely HAS to be Jolie to play Catwoman.

Please excuse me for a moment while I pound my head on the desk.


OK, I'm back. I do get the feeling that I'm the only sentient being on the planet with a Y chromosome that bored with Angelina Jolie, but surely there's other out there that are sick of seeing her everywhere. I've got a bad feeling about all this. The fanboys are going to start frothing at the mouth, the studio is going to see potential dollar signs and the newest Batman movie line is going strait down the toilet.

Kidsis said...

Oh wow! For some reason i absolutely love it that you don't like her.

I didn't even realize I was jealous of her, but my inner cavewoman is doing cartwheels and fist pumps....


Kidsis said...

Oh hey Marty, you're overqualified to read my'd you like it?

Anonymous said...

Inner cavewoman? You know Jolie's probably a closet objectivist, right? Everybody was pretty dubious about the Joker for "Dark Knight" originally, but Nolan's willingness to kick the series off with the Scarecrow & Ra's Al Ghul shows he'll avoid the trainwrecks.

Kidsis said...

What's a closet objectivist?

Marty Nozz said...

Regarding your thesis: I approach the subject from the same viewpoint. I debated this quite often as a college student with many literature professors. The concept isn't new, only the spandex is. I pick up my weekly does of new mythology every Wednesday.

As for Catwoman, I'm not a huge fan of the character. I have a greater preference for Wonder Woman, Oracle and the latest rendition of Lady Blackhawk. Pardon me while I go salute my mini-bust of her.


Back again. My friend who made the bust loves it when I do that.

OK, back on topic: for all my love of those other characters, even though I'm not a Catwoman fan, I must recognize the fact that the current interpretations of the characters would not be there without Catwoman.

As you stated, she was the first woman in comics to challenge not only a male protagonist, but also the expectations of readers. She is depicted as sexy and let always independent and capable. There was a time when even Wonder Woman was viewed as weak compared to many of her male counterparts.

I remember with glee the uproar the Bat-fanboy got into at the cover of Rucka/Jones WONDER WOMAN: THE HIKETEIA with Batman's head pinned under Wonder Woman's boot.

While Wonder Woman completely overpowers Batman in battle, Catwoman makes him struggle in so many ways it's glorious to watch. OH how she makes him squirm! For all his moral codes and training, she makes him weak in the knees and SHE KNOWS IT! It's classic, and every story about the 'good guy' falling for the 'bad girl' owes a debt to it.

Thank you very much for putting that thesis up there. I was really disliking the character due to spending time on a role-playing site and the woman who played Selina Kyle was, pardon my language, a complete bitch. Thank you for reminding me of the character's importance and why she's one of the classics.

Anonymous said...

"What's a closet objectivist?" you ask-here's the Sam The Snowman rundown;

Kidsis said...

Oh yeah, I read some Rand when I was a tween. It did nothing for me; found it dull.

I'm more of a Pynchon girl.

Kidsis said...

Marty, that's just awesome! Thanks for reading it, and writing back.

I adore J.G.'s Hiketeia image. We talked about using it for the PISTOLERAS poster, but I'm wary of using anything that could be misconstrued as anti-male. But it will be a shot in the film if I get to direct it.

Marty Nozz said...

The Jones image works mainly because it's THAT woman pinning THAT man's head to the ground. The fact that it's Batman pinned. The fact that Rucka had just moved on from BATMAN to write WONDER WOMAN. They made a very bold statement in the DCU with that cover and that story.

My friend and once discussed 'good' feminism versus 'bad' feminism in media. 'Bad' feminism being the putting down of men for sake of showing the 'superiority' of women. 'Good' feminism being the depiction of female characters as strong and capable without hitting the audience over the head with it like hammer and not at the expense of male characters.

We got into it while watching some early seasons of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. It struck him that the characters of Buffy and Willow did not have to prove themselves as heroes in the series, they just were. The series did not even attempt to prove the merit of a female hero, that's just the way things were. And in that series there were still strong male characters that did not 'suffer' for the reason of propping up the ladies.

I'm sorry, I'm ranting.

Kidsis said...

No, exactly!!!! Like Battlestar Galactica. That's how PISTOLERAS is. Took 17 drafts and feedback from both sexes, but that's how it is.

I read something somwhere about some movie (how unhelpful is THAT) where they were saying what's revolutionary is when a mixed couple is together onscreen and it's never brought up as an issue, it's just assumed to be normal. THAT'S equality.

Marty Nozz said...

OH YEAH! THAT movie with the mixed couple! The one with the guy in it and that girl from the thing.

Totally great movie.

See, now I'm all fired up over PISTOLERAS and chomping at the bit and such.

Kidsis said...

Wooot! Fantastic!

Kidsis said...

GOD DAMMIT. I told you so.