Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cognitive Daily: Casual Fridays: How does Star Wars end? Depends on how old you are

Cognitive Daily: Casual Fridays: How does Star Wars end? Depends on how old you are

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inkdestroyedmybrush said...

after all the stupidity of trying to keep the names straight in conversations around our house, i established a rule:

the movies shall be referred to in this order:
clone war
star wars

it pretty much simplifies everything.

Hugo Fuchs said...

It ended after the death star blew up at a victory ceremony. Then again, I saw it when it was just STAR WARS.

Kidsis said...

I would say it ended with my childhood being raped.

Kidsis said...

Really? No one thought that was funny? Heard it too many times from me?