Kathy Griffin: "If you don't already have a gay visionary, I highly recommend you picking one up."
"Every so often you get yourself a bad gay. They can't all be Clay Aiken...I've never seen gays so disinterested in design."
"You know Aniston would be crying by minute three in my life."
"Do you think we can get Jessica to dress in a giant rat costume and fire a gun?...I hear that Andy Dick makes his assistants dress in giant rat costumes and then he f**ks them."
"Actually I was thinking of going to Thailand...for the young fourteen-year-old boys I'll be having the dirty sex with."
"My whole life is Matt and gay guys. I thought I should have some girlfriends. Every once in a while I should talk to someone with a vagina."
"You've got to keep your face on TV. Just ask Seacrest."
"The guy with cerebral palsey...I still think he might have been faking it."
God I love that bitch!If only I had a picture of her in the giant rat costume.
Okay, and if you missed Rescue Me's Zombie episode, you MUST go find it on FX. Leary's been nominated for an acting Oscar, and this may be their funniest episode. High praise indeed, because the show is phenomonal.

UPDATE: I've been watching the goddamn Emmy and Oscar shows yearly since I was 8. Can't believe I was sick enough last night to say Leary was getting nominated for an OSCAR. Dream on, cowboy. Academy hates sarcasm unless it comes from a 70-year-old coke-head wearing sunglasses and grinning like the joker while he shtupps their grand daughters...Watch, now that I've said that Leary'll end up being nominated for one AND becoming California's governor...
omigod, and is it just me, or do the RESCUE ME sex scenes always leave you wondering about the legistics of how the women have unzipped Leary's pants and hopped him in so fast? Pretty sure it ain't possible.
And yikes, haven't been THIS clear on a guy's proclivities since Tarantino started filming closeups of women's feet...not sure I really want to know any of that, guys.
And Leary, try sex sloooow once. Really. You might like it. And considering it takes YOU 45 seconds to orgasm and the average woman 14 minutes, you might finally hear a real female orgasm. Yikes.
1 comment:
I know!!! I loved Matt the first season, but now...maybe she should divorce him. I feel like he's bringing down her energy!
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