Saturday, January 31, 2009

That ol' black magic pubic hair

I'm finishing the collossus task of finishing THE COMMUNE's applications to twenty-five film festivals. (Think back to college applications with essays and photos and press kits and something annoyingly different required for EACH ONE with a $100 check and the ability to snuff out the dreams and financial futures of myself, 40 crew members and all our investors.)

And as I collate, staple, gather, fold, lick, stuff, I find my sister's labrador's fur EVERYWHERE. Stuck inside a DVD cover. Glued to the submission envelopes. Hidden inside a peechee.

I wonder...will my short black hair inclusions be seen as thoughtful dedication to my craft?


mernitman said...

what a great picture.

changapeluda said...

either that or you might be thought of as the Clarence Thomas of the Film Festivities....


Kidsis said...

Billy, thanks! How are things? Your fav time of year, right Mr. Romance?

Changa...that's my fear! :)

Hugo Fuchs said...

I wonder...will my short black hair inclusions be seen as thoughtful dedication to my craft?

Or perhaps just a fulfilment of the reciever's fantasy.