Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Killing Me Softly

Anyone know why my sidebar appears after all my posts? After reading through every line of code and finding one missing end quote, it's...still broken html.



Lynda said...

Ugh. I have seen that a few times on people's blogs.

If you want me to look at your blogger template, email me your code. I can check it out for you.


You know how it goes. :)

Atkins Gal said...

republish the entire blog. it may not be you. this happens periodically on both blogger and typepad.

Modigliani said...

I'm looking at your blog through firefox (On a mac) and you look perfect to me!

Andrew Ironwood said...

Sometimes I can see a particular graphic in a post that's the root of the problem, but that doesn't appear to be the case here. (Although the page for this individual post looks fine, which lends some credence to that theory.)

Random Blogger blip seems more likely. Republishing the whole magilla might fix that.

In either case, it'll probably resolve itself eventually (patience, grasshopper...)