Marathon tonight on Sci Fi channel. I don't think I'm going to be able to watch next season. I was really only watching for the delightfully insouciant Christopher (AKA my boyfriend). And the new Who...still gives me the creeps after seeing him as a stalker/murderer/rapist in that BBC miniseries. No thanks.
You will be missing out. I've been watching the new season and David Tennant is awesome as The Doctor.
Billie Piper ain't bad on the eye sockets either...
Aw, Series Two (and David Tennant) is fun in its own way. Eccleston is one of a kind, and kicks ass in whatever he's in. He was great in Russell Davies' "The Second Coming", which I think led to his getting the Doctor Who gig. Rumor has it that he'll be in the remake of "The Prisoner"...
If you haven't seen it yet, check out this special 7 minute scene with the Doctor and Rose, which takes place moments after the Series One finale. It was filmed for charity and probably won't be aired again or featured on DVD boxsets:
Take care,
Brian (DW geek and proud of it!)
This 2nd season is just too damn AMAZING to not watch.
He is different from Eccleston, as Eccleston is different from McGann, from McCoy, from Baker, from Davison, from other Baker, from Pertwee, from Hartnell. It's Who tradition.
Seriously, Tennant is an amazing actor and the scripts have been really astounding.
I guess I really don't watch much tv.
Alright, I'll try. But the dude seriously gives me the creeps. If Captain Jack's not there, I'll be totally bummed.
"If Captain Jack's not there, I'll be totally bummed."
I don't know a single thing about Dr. Who, but I saw an ad on TV with Eccleston, and my reaction was "wow".
You can't take your eyes off him. I think it's time for me to do a complete Eccleston Retrospective on Netflix. (I already own copies of 28 Days Later and Jude.)
Check out the scene on the link I posted - Tennant wins you (and Rose) over pretty quickly.
As for Captain Jack, he's got other things to do. His own TV spinoff series, for a start!
Kristen, I want in on that retrospective! Yum!
Though I'm still haunted by Jude...probably don't need to see that again, as much as I worship the Winterbottom.
BC, just full of bad news, eh?
Brian, that first link you posted didn't work for me. Did it get cut off at the end? I'll go try the new ones.
Okay, Torchwood looks cool. They are having way too much fun. Or should I say...Ahoy cum fun tow. No? Then how about...Aunty chum woof?
Neither of the BBC links worked for me. Anyone else figure it out?
Honey, anyone who ain't played a serial rapist/murderer on BBC is just not. worth. watching.
Did you ever watch "Cracker" (UK version por favor)? Now that series got into some seriously dark shit with some regular characters in-character. (Warning: link contains serious spoilers.)
Incidentally, reading your blog reminded me of movies which reminded me of this interesting Answer Man answer by Rojer Ebert. (Scroll down to the response to the question on poetry in movies by Adam Judd of Visalia, California.) I always considered the lines he quotes from "Fargo" to be some of the best poetry-in-script I've ever heard. What do ya think?
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