Thursday, March 29, 2007

Humble Apologies

I'm knee-deep in moving boxes, and stressed out of my gourd.

I like my new place, but tossing out my deceased family's things yet again is painful. Urgh. I keep thinking about the Japanese, and how they honor the memory of their ancestors WITHOUT holding onto material things...lighten the load, lighten the load...

Then there's the little matter that I'm moving out of the last place I shared with both mom and Calliope (my cat who taught me about Fishies...) And that my new place doesn't even allow dogs to visit, so I'm losing Hero, too...(Nurse Sis will have full custody).

More pain! Grrrr...argh!


Lynda said...

Just remember Hero and hopefully your things are still in the family. I always think it is nice to have a picture or something, but as my mom always says, you can't keep everything. (Cause I even wanted to save clothing forever.)

ecogrrl said...

Hugs, dear. Moving sucks.

Unknown said...

It does suck. Ranked JUST below death and divorce as a stressor. But hang ends faster...