Thursday, June 14, 2007

For Sopranos viewers...

Feeling betrayed, yet again, by a tv show you've invested years in? Here is the best of the "Director's Cuts" floating around YouTube. Number 3 being the one that nicely sums up how all us Twin Peaks/X-Files/Lost/Sopranos viewers now feel...

Still upset? Read Salon.

1 comment:

jayeofmanyhats said...

I was so happy to see the Twin Peaks thing at the end I would sit through a whole episode of the Sopranos again just to see it. And I didn't care for the Sopranos at all so that's saying something! Hehehe I miss you. Never did get a responce to my question about when you wanted me in L.A. (thinking of moving there next year). Swing by my MySpace page and leave me a message when ya can!