Thursday, September 04, 2008

Apocalypse watch

Oh god, here it comes, we're all going to die...

You know, it's not the dying as much as the WAITING that's really stressful...that and the heavy sandwich board gives me a backache.


Marty Nozz said...

I'm planning on waiting until the ice shelfs start growing again and then start carrying my sandwich board. That way I can warn everyone about how they're all gonna die due to impending ice age and use the charming characters from the movie. I'm thinking of using that little squirrel looking whatchamazoole frozen in ice and reaching for that oh so elusive acorn. Because hey, if I'm going to be warning of the impending apocalypse, I may as well be kid friendly.


I lost the love of heaven above...sweet Hollywood!...kiss!

Kidsis said...

Yes Marty, mustn't frighten the children. They're much less unruly under their desks waiting for the bomb to drop...

Rosa, kiss back!

Marty Nozz said...

I really need to watch my mouth. I make my snide comment about the apocalypse and now I've got Tropical Storm Hanna headed straight for my house. If I die, I'll let you know.

That and I'll be able to haunt Dan Didio. My disembodied voice wailing in the dead of night, 'Why'd you bring Barry Allen back, dumb ass!"