Sunday, March 11, 2007

Run, Don't Walk

Ah, it's all true. The Korean horror film The Host is abolutely spectacular, even with needing a 20 minute trim.

Get your ass to a theatre before you read a review or see a trailer that spoils all the fun.

This film is on par with Tremors and Sean of the Dead, and you know how often one of those exhilerating masterpieces comes along.

10:10 PM. Oops. Don't think Baltar's going to buy "We accidentally killed your lawyer." Though it's pretty unbelievable Laura wouldn't airlock his ass.

Don't you love the way Sam said "Apollo"? Almost made up for not being able to cry on cue for Kara. Ah, poor Sam. Methinks we shan't be seeing him anymore.


savinoboy said...


Can't wait to see this one!

ecogrrl said...

Yeah, Sam's pretty much useless now. I figured that out, and I haven't even seen the other two seasons. ;) He'll probably have an airlock-related accident involving a bottle of scotch and Dee, who must be pretty annoyed after being left out of that entire episode.

Kidsis said...

Poor, irritating, passive agressive Dee...